Glow Up Pimple Guard
Glow Up Pimple Guard is the best anti pimple cream that you can find in Nepal. Especially young skin is vulnerable to pimple as pimple is caused by hormonal changes, stress and excessive oil secretion. Pimple when dried leave marks making your face ugly. Glow Up Pimple Guard is enriched with antibacterial, herbal micronutrients, anti-oxidants and organic actives enriched ingredients. When applied, the pimple guard penetrate into deeper layers of your skin and removes pimple marks and pimples.


Amla (Embiica officinails) extract 0.2%
Kaman (Aloe barbadensis) extract 5%
Nimbu (Citrus iimon) extract 1%
Gulab (Rose damascus) extract 2%
Pudina (Menthe arvens) extract 2%
Kayaputi (Melaleuca leucadendra) 0.02%
Karpoora (Cinnamomum camphora) 0.01%
Base Cream q.s. 
Preservatives: Methylparaben, Propylparaben

Direction of Use
Wash the face and apply Glow Up Pimple Guard on your face and gently massage at bed time. 
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Long hair gel
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Stretch mark cream
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Teleshopping Products

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 3,400.00 नेरू 3,000.00
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