Proaxis Solutions is a Best Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Service Provider in Bangalore, India. We are one of India's best Digital forensics services agencies catering to various services including Forensics Acquisition, Email Forensics, Data Forensics, Network & Cloud Forensics, Multimedia Forensics, Malware Forensics, Registry Forensics and eDiscovery
At Proaxis, we perform a detailed and advanced digital forensics and incident response investigations of both volatile and non-volatile memory. All our professionals have hands on training and experience in examining evidence using highly sophisticated forensics tools and as well as giving technical expert advice and guidance.

We also help you conduct detailed digital forensics investigation, incident response investigations, data theft and fraud investigations, employee probes, as well as train your team on digital forensics and risk mitigation.

So, if you’re looking for reliable, economical, and affordable DFIR services in Bangalore then we are here to serve you!

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proaxis solutions

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

₹ 1.00
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