Usage Step
Step1: Apply Hair Building Fibers Over Thinning Areas

*Remove the cap and position bottle over your head,holding it at a 45-degree angle.

*Gently tap the fibers over your hair until the thinning areas are no longer visible and you are satisfied with the fullness and volume of your hair.

Step2: Pat The Hair Building Fibers Into Your Hair
*Gently pat the fiber to blend them into your natural hir.

*Doing this will make the Hair Building Fibers completely undetectable.
Notice fibers are not suitable for totally bold people, it has to have some hair there fibers can not make your hair straight , you can use a fixing spray
3.this product is disporable, it will go fall after you wash your hair
4.the product is a little fade, it's better to wash it before you sleep or you can wear a hat, but it won't look good. If you want to buy please call us: 9851156778,9801156788 free home Delivery

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Teleshopping Products

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 3,500.00 नेरू 3,000.00
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