Panchakanya Steel was established in 1982 with a 415 grade rebar and later introduced new technology from Germany, a process that is Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) for the first time in Nepal in 2002. Today TMT has become a standard for all rebars in Nepal since its introduction.

Panchakanya Group’s commitment towards excellence in quality production was first recognized in the year 1998 when the Nepal Bureau of Standards (NS) awarded the first NS mark and a certificate in the country to Panchakanya steel and also was the first steel management certified company in Nepal to have the ISO: 9001:2008 by Lloyds' Quality Assurance Register in the year 2001

Panchaknay steel has always focused on bringing the best quality and newest innovation of the world to the county. In line with our commitment to quality and innovation, the company has launched 500 XD and 550 XD grades in 2020.Higher bond strength is developed between the rebar and the surrounding concrete. The design and profile of the ribs and its replication throughout the length of the rebar by using automated milling machines, resulting in a uniform and precise ribs, leading to uniform strength.

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Marching Ants

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 1,000.00
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