Annapurna Circuit Trek is the classic trek in the Himalayas. Annapurna is a Himalayan region in north-central Nepal famed for its magnificent views, rough landscape, isolated mountain settlements, desolate high mountains, hot springs, Buddhist and Hindu Temples, and the stunning views of Annapurna Summit. The Annapurna Circuit Trek is still without a doubt one of the best treks anywhere in the world despite inroads being developed in the region.

The overall length of the trip ranges between 160–230 kilometers (100–145 mi), depending on where motorized transportation is used and where the trek concludes. This hike traverses two river valleys and rounds the Annapurna Massif. The hike is moderate to fairly demanding, with multiple river crossings over steel and wooden suspension bridges. There are tea shops and lodges along the route where you may eat and stay.

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Nepal Social treks

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 970.00
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